Minute Devotions: Steadfastness

Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me – Psalms 51:10 NKJV

I think it’s safe to say that most of us have good intentions of living a faithful life that pleases God. We want to live in a way that glorifies God and allows us to stand before God and have Him say, “well done, good and faithful servant.” But if we’re honest, it’s a hard gig. Living a life that is righteous and God honouring isn’t always easy because life is hard and messy and temptation chases us from every side, making it hard to stay focused and walking out our faith the way God wants us to. And when sin and distraction and temptation settle around us and we stumble, it brings with it guilt and shame. And if you are anything like me, the guilt and shame can be crushing and makes it hard for me to run to God. Especially when I mess up again and again and again.

But God, in His grace and kindness, encourages us with David’s prayer in psalm 51. David not only asks for a clean heart, but also a steadfast spirit. He asks for a spirit that is willing; a spirit that wants to do the right thing. David was a man that loved God with everything but was so very human and failed often. Sound familiar? We will all have our moments when we stumble and fall, but when that happens, let’s not run away from God but to Him. Let’s not cower under the shame but repent and ask God for a steadfast spirit. Let’s keep seeking His mercy and grace and keep asking Him to change us from the inside out.

Father God, thank you for your abundant love. For your mercy that is new every morning. Lord, would you create in us a clean heart and give us a willing spirit. When temptation comes, would you give us a steadfast spirit that runs to you instead of into sin. And would you give us a heart that is after yours. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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