Minute Devotions: Held in His arms.

Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah – Psalm 68:19

God holds us up daily. In the daily running around that is life we sometimes miss this, but it’s God who holds us up. It’s God who carries us through and gives us strength to get through the day. It is God who allows us to rest. We often feel like we need to accomplish everything in a day, or that we need to prove how efficient and equipped we are, but the truth is that we don’t have to strive to accomplish everything in a day and we have nothing to prove. At all. Because we are enough as we are in Christ. He is the One that enables us to accomplish what we accomplish, He is the one that equips us and He is the one that gives us our rest, both here and in eternity. It’s God that holds us up when things are great and when things aren’t so great, so take a deep breath and let it all go, because Jesus, the Mighty One in our midst, has you covered.


Father, we thank you that You love us so much that you carry us daily. You uphold us with Your right hand and you give us all that we need. As we go about our days and nights, would you remind us that we need not strive or prove anything as Jesus accomplished it all on the Cross for us. Thank you for your love, peace and salvation. In Jesus’s name, amen.

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